What’s new, what’s up, what’s working. Read it here.
Sarah's Story

A tremor, starting deep in her gut, snaked its way through her limbs, leaving her chilled ...

Breaking the Cycle: Thomas Pantze

Coming from a long line of addiction and criminality, Thomas tells his story of recovery.

Pathfinder launches Native American Recovery training

The program empowers individuals within Indigenous communities to support recovery.

The Power of Nature

Nature is one of those things that has an unexplainable effect on our mental state.

The Sleeping Tiger

The tiger never leaves, it patiently waits for us to believe one of the little lies it tells us.

A Warm Mother's Hug

Running from pain and masking it with drugs, looking for the warmth and compassion.

Healing My Spirit

As adults, the childlike essence within us, which fosters genuine joy, remains elusive.

Dave Wellstone, Off The Record

Pathfinder Solutions CEO and Co-founder Dave Wellstone had an epiphany in a helicopter.

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